Statewide Active Transportation Demonstrations and Education

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

The CT Department of Public Health (DPH) has engaged with CRCOG to lead the Active Transportation component of DPH’s State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) grant. CRCOG has been awarded funding for a minimum of 2 years, during which approximately $300,000 has been allocated for “Complete Streets Training” and “Complete Streets Implementation Projects.” The trainings aim to address a variety of active transportation related issues across the state, and could include presentations, workshops, or other methods of sharing information about (including but not limited to) benefits on complete streets, implementing tactical urbanism, best practices and case studies for Connecticut towns, and more. The implementation projects aim to help implement complete streets and improve active transportation and can include on-the-ground demonstration projects (i.e. curb bump outs), complete streets policy creation, small area plans, and more.

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CDC Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting

Agenda for 02-20-20 Active Transport Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from 09-25-19 Active Transport Advisory Committee Meeting Presentation for Active Transport Advisory Committee Meeting (PDF) Presentation for Active Transport Advisory Committee…

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