Promote Active Living in Your Community

CRCOG is working with the Department of Public Health to promote active living and active transportation across the state. This is part of a larger grant program funded by the Centers for Disease Control. Our portion of the project aims to promote things like walking and biking, for both transportation and for leisure.

CRCOG is looking for ideas for a small-scale demonstration project that can be implemented within the next few months. Potential ideas include: temporary sidewalk or curb extensions; temporary bike lanes; temporary public plazas (such as closing a portion of a road to vehicular traffic); temporary roundabouts; or other ideas that fall into the category of “Tactical Urbanism”. We are also able to do other types of projects such as developing a complete streets policy or creating a concept plan for an area. If you are interested in proposing a project, you can find a short application form here:

Please return completed applications to Tim Malone ( by August 5. August 9.

CRCOG will also be holding a series of workshops throughout the state over the next 15 months. Stayed tuned for more details.

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