Regional Planning
and Development


As Capitol Region municipalities face the ongoing challenges of administering local governments and guiding the development, conservation and preservation of communities, CRCOG’s Policy Development & Planning Department carries out a range of activities to meet local needs. Policy Development & Planning projects cover diverse topics: land use, zoning, housing, sustainable and livable communities, transit oriented development, brownfields, natural disaster mitigation, and data management. Our responsibilities include work mandated by the State Statutes and other projects pursued at the direction of the CRCOG Policy Board and the Regional Planning Commission.

2024 Plan of Conservation & Development

The proposed 2024 Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) is ready for public review! See our project page to view the plan and to provide comments.

Questions? Contact Heidi Samokar via email or phone (860-724-4282).

Priority Climate Action Plan

CRCOG is developing a regional climate action plan, supported by the EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG), a five-billion-dollar program created under the Inflation Reduction Act to help state and regional governments reduce greenhouse gases.

The program consists of two primary phases – planning and implementation. The major deliverables for the planning phases are a Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) and a more detailed Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP). Approximately $4.6 billion in competitive implementation funding will be available under the CPRG program, with an initial requirement that any eligible project must be identified in the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP), due to EPA in March 2024.  

The first phase involves noncompetitive planning grants at both the state level, and then to the 67 most populous Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). In the case of Connecticut, three MSAs will receive one-million-dollar planning grants: Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown (led by CRCOG), Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk (led by MetroCOG)and New Haven-Milford (led by SCRCOG).

CRCOG intends to use the CPRG to create a framework for a regional climate action plan, with a particular focus on developing a pipeline of municipal implementation projects and framework for local climate policy and operational initiatives.

Contact Kyle Shiel or 860.724.4706