Safe and secure housing is one of our most basic needs in order to live healthy and prosperous lives. CRCOG works with its municipal members, the State, and other partners to:
- Research the issues and trends affecting the region's housing supply, demand, and overall affordability
- Identify emerging housing opportunities and innovative approaches
- Provide guidance and policy recommendations to our region's cities and towns and other decision-makers
- Understand how past practices have perpetrated inequities and how we can work together to better address the housing needs of all of our region's residents
UPCOMING: CRCOG will be initiating a Regional Housing Strategy project in 2024 to conduct a deeper analysis of housing trends in the Region and to explore regional opportunities to expand housing choice, including affordable housing.
NEW: The CT Department of Housing has launched a new technical assistance program to help local municipalities implement their Affordable Housing Plans. Check out our Resources section below for more information!
Affordable Housing Learning Cohort
CRCOG partnered with Sustainable CT for the "Affordable Housing Implementation Pathway Learning Cohort" project.
Accessory Dwelling Unit Legislation Survey
CRCOG surveyed the region’s planning directors to better understand how each municipality is approaching Public Act 21-29, which requires cities and towns to allow accessory dwelling units (ADUs), among other requirements.
CRCOG Regional Housing Assessments
CRCOG has partnered with various entities to better understand the region's housing stock, the needs of residents, and gaps and opportunities.
regional housing assessments
CRCOG has partnered with various entities to better understand the region's housing stock, the needs of residents, and gaps and opportunities. See the following studies:
- Planning for Affordability Guidebook, 2021
- Regional Housing Assessment Presentation, 2021
- CRCOG Affordable Housing Assessment, 2021, updated 2022
- Knowledge Corridor Fair Housing and Equity Assessment, 2014
affordable housing implementation pathway learning cohort
With funding from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Sustainable CT worked with a small group of CRCOG municipalities to develop equitable pathways to implement local Affordable Housing Plans. CRCOG provided support by developing guidance on affordable housing strategies and participating in peer sharing meetings with the communities.
The following resources were developed as part of this project:
- CRCOG contributed to a Toolkit that included information on Tiny Houses / Accessory Dwelling Units, Housing Trust Funds, and Tax Abatements.
- Goman + York presented case studies for tax abatements
CRCOG Resources:
- Regional Data Portal
- Brownfields programs and funding
- Other funding opportunities
- Crumbling foundation assistance
Other Housing Resources:
- NEW Department of Housing Technical Assistance Opportunity! Announcement & Flyer
- Connecticut Housing Needs Assessment, 2023, Connecticut Housing and Finance Authority
- Housing Data Profiles, Partnership for Strong Communities
- DataHaven
- CT Department of Housing programs and initiatives
- CT 8-30g, Affordable Housing Appeals information
- 2023 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, CT Department of Housing