Since 2017 CRCOG has been working closely with its member municipalities, and state and federal government to assist homeowners with crumbling concrete foundations. Together we are making significant progress to remediate homes across our region. Please review the programs listed on this page for more information about this topic.
Homeowners who are suffering from crumbling foundations or suspect they may have pyrrhotite in their foundations can get reimbursed for core testing or visual inspections of their foundations. Governor Malloy initiated this program using bond funding and is a grant program through the Department of Housing with the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) as the administrator.
To apply for reimbursement and learn more about this program please visit https://foundationtesting.org/. If you would prefer to mail in an application, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to CRCOG Foundation Testing, 350 Church Street, Hartford CT 06103.
For those homes who have been deemed damaged and need foundation remediation, the Connecticut Foundation Solutions Indemnity Company, Inc. (CFSIC) has been instrumental in assisting homeowners navigate through the claims process. Looking for more information about CFSIC, or need to file a claim? Please visit https://crumblingfoundations.org/ or contact a claims adjuster by email at or by phone at (844) 763-1207.
Through Congressionally Directed Funding, from Congressman Courtney's office. CRCOG has received $2 million in HUD funding to help families with low and moderate incomes with the crumbling foundations issue to help with the costs that are not covered by the CFSIC remediation program. More information is available on our Gap Foundation Funding page.
Qualified vendors
CRCOG has a Qualified Vendors List for vendors related to crumbling foundations.
This is not a comprehensive list of all qualified contractors. The list is provided as a public service and CRCOG does not warrant or guarantee any work nor make any representations regarding the contractors on the list.
Towns Affected
Towns Affected for Real Estate Transactions per General Statute 20-327b.
Please note: CRCOG has dropped the Connecticut Insurance Department Report from 2016 as part of its analysis of towns potentially affected by crumbling foundations.
- CFSIC Website
- Updated Guidelines from CFSIC 12/10/2018
- Travelers Benefit Program
- Governor Announces The Hartford and Liberty Mutual Supplemental Assistance Programs
- CFSIC Press Release – Board of Directors
- CFSIC Press Release Website
- Captive Selects Superintendent
- Board Letter and Affidavit
- E-mail from Rep. Currey Re:Update Crumbling Foundations (2018-2-9)
- 2020-7-15 Update from Congressman Courtney
- Follow-up letter to Secretary Carson from Federal Delegation
- CRCOG to CTDOT Pyrrhotite;CTDOT Pyrrhotite letter to CRCOG
- IRS Pyrrhotite Presentation
- IRS Pyrrhotite 2018-14
- Update on IRS Extension of Casualty Loss Deduction
- Letter from IRS to Congressman Courtney regarding Casualty Loss Deduction
- Update on Federal Tax Bill and Crumbling Foundations
- CROCG Crumbling Foundations Information Packet Given to Planning and Development Committee’s Informational Session (February 2, 2017)
- CRCOG Presentation given at the CCACB meeting (January 28, 2017)
- Congressman Courtney’s Statement on the DCP Report
- DCP Report on Deteriorating Concrete in Residential Foundations (Appendices)
- Response Letter to Proposal by Senators Larson and Osten
- FEMA response to Governor Malloy 2016-11-9
- Final Report from the Attorney General on Crumbling Foundations Released November 2016-11-4
- Letter from Governor Malloy to FEMA 2016-10-19
- Letter from Congressman Joe Courtney
- Memo on State Process on CDBG Funds
- CRS Report regarding CDBG Funding
- Crumbling Foundation Presentation given in Manchester, CT (September 8, 2016)
- Crumbling Foundations Presentation (July 25, 2016 meeting)
- Letter from the Attorney General regarding Crumbling Foundations
- Letter from Coventry, Tolland, Mansfield and Willington to the governor regarding Crumbling Foundations (please note, other affected towns have also sent similar letters)
- UCONN Study Presentation 2019-6-19
- Summary of Legislation that passed in the 2019 session
- Crumbling Concrete Symposium – October 5 2019