Pramod R. Pandey headshot

Pramod R. Pandey
Principal Planner, II



Pramod R Pandey has been with CRCOG as a Principal Planner in the Transportation Department since 2008. His responsibilities include Title VI & Environment Justice related activities, MPO Coordination, Intelligent Transportation System, Socio-economic and Demographic analysis, GIS and spatial data analysis, Congestion Management System, etc.

Pramod was born in the mountainous country of Nepal. He attended universities in Illinois and Missouri prior to moving to beautiful state of Connecticut in early 2002. He worked at, Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency, as a Senior Planner until 2008 prior to joining the CRCOG Team. Pramod lives in Bristol with wife and two very active kids, Prasidda (11) and Savanna (5). They enjoy traveling, especially long road trips, hiking, volunteering, running, and cheering for the Patriots.