RFQ: Traffic Services

The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) is soliciting responses from qualified and experienced firms or teams to serve on the following On-Calls to assist with traffic engineering and automated traffic enforcement safety device (ATESD) related tasks:

On-Call: ATESD Professional Services
CRCOG anticipates selecting one Consultant for On-Call: ATESD Professional Services.

On-Call List: Traffic and Safety Engineering Services
CRCOG anticipates selecting two Consultants for On-Call List: Traffic and Safety Engineering

Click here to review the PDF of the Request for Qualifications.

Addendum #1: Posted 8/14/24

Any questions should be directed in writing to Anaka Maher (Email) by 2:00 p.m. EST on August 14, 2024. At least seven (7) days prior to the submission deadline, CRCOG staff will post a copy of any addenda to this webpage. No oral interpretations shall be made to any respondent as to the meaning of any of the documents. It is the respondent’s responsibility to check the website for any addenda.

Only electronic submissions are being accepted in response to this RFQ. Statements of Qualifications should be prepared as a single PDF with a maximum of 30 pages for each response. Statements may be transmitted to Anaka Maher (Email). Submissions should be marked in the email subject line with the name of the on-call list the submission is to be considered for.

Statements of Qualifications must be received by CRCOG no later than 2:00pm on August 28, 2024. Statements received after that time or day will not be considered. Arrangements for transmission of large files should be made in advance, as technical difficulties in sending or receiving a submission shall not be a valid reason for missing the deadline.