(Closed for FY2022) Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) for Political Subdivisions of States and Territories

Description: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Request for Applications (RFA) announcing that approximately $40 million is available for the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) Grant Program for Political Subdivisions of States and Territories.

The program supports several goals and objectives from the FY2022-2026 EPA Strategic Plan and the National Recycling Strategy and seeks to fund projects that will build and transform solid waste infrastructure to equitably reduce waste and manage materials to achieve a circular economy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase recycling, reduce contamination, and create cleaner, resilient, and healthier communities. The program will assist local waste management authorities by supporting improvements to local post-consumer materials management, including municipal recycling programs, and assisting local waste management authorities in making improvements to local waste management systems. Up to 40% of funds may be awarded to disadvantaged communities, as defined in the RFA. EPA anticipates awarding 25 assistance agreements, with at least one award per region.

Applications must address one or more of the following objectives:

-Establish, increase, expand, or optimize collection and improve materials management infrastructure;

-Create and construct tangible infrastructure, technology, or other improvements to reduce contamination in the recycled materials stream;

-Establish, increase, expand, or optimize capacity for materials management;

-Establish, improve, expand, or optimize end-markets for the use of recycled commodities; or

-Demonstrate a significant and measurable increase in the diversion, recycling rate, and quality of materials collected for municipal solid waste.

There are Two Program Tracks:

-Track 1: projects that benefit disadvantaged communities (as defined per the RFA Section 1.C);

-Track 2: projects that benefit other communities not meeting this definition. Minimum individual award is $500,000 and the maximum individual award is $4 million for the grant period of upto three years.

EPA requests submittal of an informal Notice of Intent to Apply by December 15, 2022 to SWIFR@epa.gov.

Link to Program Website: Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) Grant Program for Political Subdivisions of States and Territories.

Eligible Applicants: Political subdivisions of states and territories (includes CRCOG, Municipalities)

Due Dates:

Letter of Intent to Apply (optional, informal): December 15, 2022

Application: Due Date extended to February 15, 2023 (formerly January 16, 2023). Submit applications electronically through Grants.gov.

Local Match Requirement: None

Webinars: EPA is hosting a series of webinars for this program, and their Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program.

Please contact Elizabeth Sanderson, BIL Coordinator and Principal Program Manager at CRCOG, with questions or if you would like additional information about this program.