(Closed for FY2022) Thriving Communities

Brief Description: U.S. DOT’s Thriving Communities Program (TCP) aims to ensure that disadvantaged communities adversely or disproportionately affected by environmental, climate, and human health policy outcomes have the technical tools and organizational capacity to compete for federal aid and deliver quality infrastructure projects that enable their communities and neighborhoods to thrive.

Based on a review of available information from U.S. DOT, CRCOG has determined that the following municipalities meet the definition of “disadvantaged communities” that is used for TCP:

-East Hartford





-New Britain

-West Hartford



Eligible municipalities that are interested in receiving support (technical assistance, planning, and capacity building) must submit a Letter of Interestby December 6, 2022.

Link to Program Website:

Thriving Communities Program | US Department of Transportation

Eligible Applicants:

State, Municipalities, CRCOG, Others

Due Dates:

Letter of Interest to Receive Support due December 6, 2022

Request for Information responses due August 26, 2022

CRCOG Specific Information:

Memo – Coming Soon!

Link to CRCOG’s Mapping Application: Thriving Communities Disadvantaged Communities Locator , to review potential eligible communities. Please contact Kyle Shiel with questions or concerns using this application.