Human Services Coordinating Council (HSCC) June 18, 2024 Agenda

061824 HSCC Agenda

Human Services Coordinating Council (HSCC)
Meeting Agenda and Notice
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
10:00 a.m. ET

Click here to join the meeting

For further link information, please contact Robyn Nichols at 860-724-4222

PLEASE update your name/title/affiliation when signed into Meeting and announce your name before making motions or offering comments

  1. Call to Order and Introductions
  2. Public Comment
  3. Approval of December ???, 2023 Minutes
  4. Topic: Housing “Un”affordability and Insecurity


  • Russell Hansen (United Way) – Director of Impact and Engagement Operations
  • John Harkins (Rome Smith Kowalski) – Legislative Consultant
  • Ben Lovejoy (DOH) – Office of Policy, Research and Housing Support


  1. CRCOG Staff Reports
  2. Information Sharing
  3. Upcoming Meetings
  • September 17th, 2024 (Fair Rent Commission(s)/Fair Housing Local Municipality Discussion)
  • December 17th, 2024 (*Possible Topics – Migrant Influx in CT Municipalities; Epidemic of Loneliness – Health and Social Service Implications and Services)
  1. Adjournment

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Connecticut Public Act 22-3.  This meeting will be recorded.  Audio and Minutes will be posted within seven (7) days of meeting adjournment at

Categories: Human Services Coordinating Council
Tags: HSCC, Human Services Coordinating Council (HSCC)