Economic Impact Study of Proposed Rail Improvements RFP

NEW: Proposals are now due April 13, 2020 at 2pm

Please submit proposals via e-mail (please do not send physical copies) to:

NEW: Proposals are now due April 10, 2020 at 2pm

The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) intends to hire a consultant(s) to conduct an economic impact study of proposed rail improvements in the region and connecting to the region. Following the opening of the Hartford Line rail service, the region gained a frequent commuter rail link to New York City. Proposed track and station improvements would provide frequent commuter rail service between Hartford and Springfield. A study is underway in Massachusetts to analyze the feasibility of providing commuter rail service between Springfield and Worcester (where an existing rail line connects to Boston). While standard benefit-cost analyses have been conducted for previous rail investments, and one will be conducted for new investments, no study has looked at the potential for broader economic benefits, such as increased development in station areas or greater attraction to the labor force. An understanding of such benefits is essential to fully assessing which investments will be the most impactful.

CRCOG will procure consultant services in accordance with the established policy of CRCOG. The project will commence upon selection of a consultant and issuance of a notice to proceed.

Proposals are due at CRCOG on Monday, April 13 10, 2020 at 2pm.

Revised Rail Economic Impact Study RFP

The following questions were received and their answers are below:

  1. What is the geographic region of analysis for determining the economic impacts, i.e. what are the specific counties, municipalities, or ZIP codes for the analysis?
    • The areas of analysis include the Capitol Region and the PVPC region. The primary focus is Hartford County and Hampden County.
  2. Do the economic impacts for the region of analysis need to be broken out by sub-region, e.g. results by county, or can they be reported as a single region?
    • Yes, they should be broken out.
  3. Would you please specify the minimum and maximum number of service alternatives you expect to be evaluated as part of establishing the range of impacts in the economic impact analysis and cost-benefit analysis?
    • It will likely be three different alternatives that are focused on.
  4. The RFP states that a goal for this study is to have at least preliminary results available when the East-West study is released by MassDOT in March 2020. Seeing as a firm will not be selected until April, would you please clarify the CRCOG’s expectations regarding the timeline for this study?
    • This was an error. Please disregard that date. The study is now expected to be completed in the summer or fall.
  5. Does the CRCOG expect to alter the study’s schedule and/or requirements in light of national/state/local travel restrictions in place due to the coronavirus pandemic?
    • We will evaluate that as we move through the process, though it will probably impact the schedule.
  6. If they are not already publicly available, will all previous reports and analyses cited in the RFP be made available for review?
    • Yes.
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