Erik Snowden headshot

Erik Snowden
GIS and IT Manager



Erik Snowden is the GIS and IT Manager at CRCOG.  He manages the CRCOG office network and IT as well as its GIS system, Online Parcel Viewer (Web GIS) platform, databases and map production.  Additionally he coordinates regional and statewide data acquisition projects, including flyovers of the Capitol Region on 2009 and the State of Connecticut in 2016.

Erik is currently in his second stint on the steering committee of the CT GIS User to User Network and is a member of the ESF 5 Data Working Group with provides guidance to the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.  He has been with CRCOG since 1998.

Erik has lived in Connecticut most of his life in Connecticut but also worked as an aerial mapping photographer in Colorado for several years.  He enjoys playing guitar, cooking and gardening – especially with his wife, son, daughter and two stepdaughters.