Central Connecticut Solid Waste Authority

Executive Director Matt Hart

CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 6-25-19 Minutes CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 6-25-19 Agenda CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 3-19-19 Minutes Second Extension - Textile Recycling     Directions  

Central Connecticut Solid Waste Authority

CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 9-17-19 Minutes CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 9-17-19 Agenda CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 6-25-19 Minutes

Central Connecticut Solid Waste Authority

CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 12-10-19 Agenda CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 9-17-19 Minutes CCSWA 2020 Executive Committee and Officers Proposed CCSWA 2020-21 Budget.xlsx 2020 Meeting Dates CCSWA Objectives 2020 MIRA update to the Towns

CANCELED – Central Connecticut Solid Waste Authority

Executive Director Matt Hart

CCSWA 3-17-2020 Meeting Agenda 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Public Comment 3.Action: Approval of Minutes from 12-10-2019 4.Regional and statewide solid waste options - Jennifer Weymouth, CT DEEP 5.Other Business 6.Adjournment  

Central Connecticut Solid Waste Authority

ACCESS: via Web: https://zoom.us/j/8605222217 or by Phone: 1-646-876-9923; Meeting ID: 860 522 2217 * Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. PLEASE announce your name before making motions or offering comments.  AGENDA CCSWA…

04/24/23 Central CT Solid Waste Authority (CCSWA) Meeting

Virtual Meeting

2023-04-24 CCSWA Agenda Call to Order Welcome and Introductions Overview and Background Presentation by RRS - Waste Management and Diversion Study Phase I – Solid Waste Facilities Inventory and Infrastructure Assessment Phase II - Short-Term (1-5 Yr.) Disposal Solutions and Waste Diversion Continuous Improvement Phase III – Long-term strategies (10+ yrs.) Discussion/Q&A Next Steps Adjournment…