2023 CRCOG Legislative Update Meeting

2023-02-02 Legislative Update Minutes 2023 Legislative Update Meeting Agenda 2023 CRCOG Legislative Agenda ALL ATTENDEES MUST ATTEND REMOTELY.  ACCESS: This is a remote meeting. Log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda. *Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be…

Legislative Commitee

MS Teams

*Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Connecticut Public Act 22-3. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. 2023-11-21 Leg Com Draft Minutes AGENDA 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Review Committee Charge 3. Development of FY2024 CRCOG Legislative Agenda a. Review Expectations for Short Session b.…