Municipal Services Committee

Executive Director Matt Hart

This is a remote meeting. For link information, contact Kim Bona at or 860-724-4292. Spanish translation below: Esta es una reunión virtual. Para mayor información sobre la conexión, por favor contactar a Kim Bona al correo electrónico:, o al tel: 860-724-4292. Polish translation below: To będzie zebranie zdalne. O informacji o odpowiednim linku…

Municipal Services Committee

This is a remote meeting. For link information, contact Kim Bona at or 860-724-4292. Spanish translation below: Esta es una reunión virtual. Para mayor información sobre la conexión, por favor contactar a Kim Bona al correo electrónico:, o al tel: 860-724-4292. Polish translation below: To będzie zebranie zdalne. O informacji o odpowiednim linku internetowym poprosimy kontaktować…

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at MSC 1-19-2021 Audio Recording Municipal Services Committee 1-19-2021 Meeting Agenda  Municipal Services Committee 1-19-2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1. Adoption of Minutes from December 8, 2020 Meeting  2.Public Comment…

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at Audio recording - MSC 2021-02-16 Municipal Services Committee 2-16-2020 Meeting Agenda Municipal Services Committee 2-16-2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1. Adoption of Minutes from January 19, 2021 Meeting …

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at Municipal Services Committee 3-16-2021 Meeting Presentation Municipal Services Committee 3-16-2020 Meeting Agenda Municipal Services Committee 3-16-2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1.Adoption of Minutes from February 16, 2021…

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at MSC 5-18-2021 Meeting: Audio Recording Municipal Services Committee 5-18-2021 Meeting Agenda Municipal Services Committee 5-18-2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1. Adoption of Minutes from March 16, 2021 Meeting …

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at MSC 6-22-2021 Meeting: Audio Recording Municipal Services Committee 6-22-2021 Meeting Agenda Municipal Services Committee 6-22-2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1. Adoption of Minutes from May 18, 2021 Meeting…

Municipal Services Committee Special Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at MSC 9-14-2021 Special Meeting Audio Municipal Services 9-14-2021 Special Meeting Agenda MSC 9-14-2021 DRAFT Special Meeting Minutes 1.Adoption of Minutes from June 22, 2021 Meeting 2.Public Comment…

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at Audio recording MSC 10-19-2021 Meeting Municipal Services 10-19-2021 Meeting Agenda MSC 10-19-2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1.Adoption of Minutes from September 14, 2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 2.Public Comment…

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at MSC 12-7-2021 Audio Recording MSC 12-7-2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes MSC 12-7-2021 Meeting Agenda  1.Adoption of Minutes from October 19, 2021, Meeting   2.Public Comment   3.ARPA: Potential Transformational Regional…

Municipal Services Committee

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at Municipal Services Committee 1-18-2022 Audio Recording Municipal Services Committee 1-18-2022 Meeting Agenda Municipal Services Committee 1-18-2022 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1.Adoption of Minutes from December 7, 2021, Meeting  …