Municipal Services Committee 10-18-2016

Municipal Services Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 18, 2016 12:00 p.m.MIRA Trash Museum Boardroom 211 Murphy Road, Hartford AGENDA Draft Minutes Adoption of Minutes: September 20, 2016 Demonstration: 2016-2017 Municipal Salary Survey Tool: Update on progress of the HR Portal Project, including a live demonstration of the on-line data collection process for the 2016-2017 municipal salary…

Municipal Services Committee 2016-12-6

Agenda Adoption of Minutes: October 18, 2016 Service Sharing Update Possibility of Non-Profits in the IT Services Cooperative Interest in Municipal/BOE Sharing Showcase Event? Status Reports Capitol Region Purchasing Council Nutmeg Network Demonstration Projects RPIP Projects IT Services Cooperative 2017 Draft Meeting Schedule Municipal Information Sharing and Other Business Adjournment Draft Minutes of December 6,…

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Agenda 2017-1-17 ADOPTION OF MINUTES: December 6, 2016 Service Sharing Update Summary of current service sharing by towns Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) on Stormwater Management Municipal/BOE sharing showcase scheduled for February 1, 2017 STATUS REPORTS Capitol Region Purchasing Council Nutmeg Network Demonstration Projects (Streaming, HR Portal, EDMS) RPIP projects (Statewide flight, CAPTAIN 4G)…

Municipal Services Committee

AGENDA 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: January 17, 2017 2. HR-Portal Demonstration 3. Sharing Summaries – Final 4. STATUS REPORTS a. Capitol Region Purchasing Council b. Nutmeg Network Demonstration Projects (Streaming, HR Portal, EDMS) c. RPIP projects (Statewide flight, CAPTAIN 4G) d. IT Services Cooperative (Online Permitting, VOIP, Hosting) e. Crumbling Foundations 5. Municipal Information Sharing…

Municipal Services Committee

NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:00 p.m. MIRA Trash Museum 211 Murphy Road, Hartford CT AGENDA Adoption of Minutes: 2/21/17 Statewide Orthoflight Update and Presentation Status Reports Capitol Region Purchasing Council Nutmeg Network Demonstration Projects (Streaming, HR Portal, EDMS) RPIP Projects (CAPTAIN 4G) IT Services Cooperative (Online Permitting, VOIP, Hosting)…