Metro Hartford Future Working Group Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

Metro Hartford Working Group Meeting Agenda - 2018-07-31 Overview of June Strategy Group sessions Overview of revised draft strategies Update on schedule / next steps Advisory Committee Second set of Strategy Groups Investment Prospectus development Input on stakeholder outreach

Metro Hartford Future Advisory Committee (11/13/2018)

Executive Director Matt Hart

Metro Hartford Future Advisory Committee Agenda for 11/13/2018 Public Comment Introduction Minutes from previous Meeting (Draft CEDS Advisory Committee minutes from 2018-05-22) Review of recent progress Review of overarching vision and goals Strategy discussion Next steps on implementation

CDC Active Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

Agenda for 02-20-20 Active Transport Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from 09-25-19 Active Transport Advisory Committee Meeting Presentation for Active Transport Advisory Committee Meeting (PDF) Presentation for Active Transport Advisory Committee Meeting (Powerpoint)