Policy Board

Executive Director Matt Hart

Policy Board 1-30-19 Special Meeting Agenda Policy Board 1-30-19 Special Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from December 12, 2018 Meeting 4.Correspondence/Handouts: Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) update Letter from DECD re: Brownfield Municipal Grant Award to CRCOG Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to CRCOG 5.Monthly Reports 6.PRESENTATION/UPDATES: Introduction- David Tusio, Director of…

Policy Board

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Policy Board 2-27-19 Meeting Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 2-27-19 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from January 30, 2019 Meeting 4.Correspondence/Handouts Letter to Congressman Neal re: East-West Passenger Rail Study Press Release: Blumenthal and Murphy Introduce Bills to Provide Relief to Homeowners and Businesses with Crumbling Foundations Press Release:…

Policy Board Special Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

Policy Board 4-3-19 Special Meeting Agenda DRAFT Policy Board 4-3-19 Special Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from February 27, 2019 Meeting 4.Correspondence/Handouts: Testimony on H.B. 7192 An Act Concerning Municipal and Regional Opportunities and Efficiencies Tourism Report Save the Date: New England Knowledge Corridor (NEKC) Partnership Spring Forum 5.Monthly Reports…

Rail Stations on Hartford Line

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Rail Stations 4-24-19 Agenda CRCOG Rail Stations 4-24-19 DRAFT Meeting Minutes

Policy Board

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Policy Board 4-24-19 Special Meeting Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 4-24-19 DRAFT Special Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from April 3, 2019 Meeting 4.Correspondence/Handouts NEKC 2019 Spring Forum 2019 BUILD NOFO and Informational Webinars 5. MONTHLY REPORTS 6.PRESENTATION/UPDATES Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Presentation and Discussion CRCOG Metropolitan Transportation Plan…

Executive Committee

Executive Director Matt Hart

Executive Committee 5-8-19 Meeting Agenda Executive Committee 5-8-19 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from October 10, 2018 4.Correspondence/Handouts 5.Chair and Executive Director Remarks and Report 6.Action: FY 2019-2020 CRCOG Budget Approval 7.2019 CRCOG DRAFT Annual Meeting Agenda 8.Legislative Discussion 9.Other Business 10.Adjournment

Policy Board

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Policy Board 5-22-19 Regular Meeting Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 5-22-19 DRAFT  Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from April 24, 2019 Meeting 4.Correspondence/Handouts NEKC 2019 Spring Forum CRCOG Service Summary UConn Public Service Executive Leadeship Collaborative Transportation Projects 5.MONTHLY REPORTS 6.PRESENTATION/UPDATES Presentation on Tolls, Thomas Maziarz, CTDOT U.S. Census Complete Count,…

Policy Board

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Policy Board 9-25-19 Meeting Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 9-25-19 Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from May 22, 2019 Meeting 4.Correspondence/Handouts: Metro Hartford Future CEDS Memo CEDS Next Steps Letter from Governor Lamont re: Adoption of CEDS Sample Letter to Secretary Fleming re: endorsement formation of CEDS Letter to Senator…

Policy Board

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Policy Board 10-30-19 Regular Meeting Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 10-30-19 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from September 25, 2019 4.Correspondence/Handouts: Panel Discussion: Five Steps to Accelerate Economic Growth in CT 5.MONTHLY REPORTS 6.PRESENTATION/UPDATES Metro Hartford Future CEDS update ACTION ITEMS 7.Action: Resolution Authorizing Application to U.S. Environmental Protection…

Policy Board

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Policy Board 11-20-19 Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 11-20-19 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from October 30, 2019 4.Correspondence/Handouts 5.Monthly Reports a.Chair and Executive Director b.Opportunities and Resources c.Municipal Services and Purchasing Council: DRAFT of OPM Request: Eval of PSAP and Assessment Current RPI Program Grant Application Ideas 6.PRESENTATION/UPDATES…