Regional Planning Commission Meeting

Municipal Services

Regional Planning Commission 9-6-18 Meeting Agenda 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Adoption of Minutes: RPC 5-10-18 DRAFT meeting minutes 3.Presentation: Presentation Eastern Gateways Study Recommendations Eastern Gateways Memo to RPC 4.Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals 5.What's New in My Town-A Discussion and Report on Local Planning Activities in the Municipalities of the Capitol Region; and 6.Other…

CANCELED-Regional Planning Commission Meeting

Municipal Services

  November 15th 2018 Meeting Cancellation Notice November 15th 2018 Meeting Agenda Draft Minutes of September 6, 2018 Meeting Background Memo - Metro Hartford Future Study November 7, 2018 Referral Report Draft 2019 Meeting Schedule

Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Services

RPC 3-21-19 Meeting Agenda (revised) 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Adoption of Minutes: 1-17-19 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 3.Report of Nominating Committee (attachment) 4.Presentation of RPC Roles and Responsibilities (attachment) 5. Final Call for Interested Candidates and Election of RPC Chair and Vice-Chair 6. Presentation: Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update 7.Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals (attachment) 8.What's New…

Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Services

Regional Planning Commission 5-16-19 Meeting Agenda Background Memo to RPC 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Adoption of Minutes: March 21, 2019 3.Presentation: CT Land Use Law Review, Attorney Mike Zizka, Halloran Sage 4.Presentation and Discussion of RPC Subcommittee Revisions to RPC Rules of Procedure 5.Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals 6.What's New in My Town - A…

Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Services

Regional Planning Commission 9-19-19 Meeting Agenda 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Adoption of Minutes: May 16, 2019 3.Presentation and Discussion of RPC Subcommittee Revisions and RPC Rules of Procedure 4.Presentation: Policy and Planning update - CRCOG Staff 5.Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals 6.What’s New in My Town—A Discussion and Report on Local Planning and Development Activities…

Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Services

Regional Planning Commission 11-21-19 Regular Meeting Agenda 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Adoption of Minutes: September 19, 2019 (revised) 3.Presentation: Sustainable CT Community Match Fund - Innovative Project Funding for Communities 4.Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals 5.Approval of 2020 Meeting Schedule 6.What's New in My Town - A Discussion and Report on Local Planning and Development…

Regional Planning Commission Meeting

Municipal Services

Join via Web: or Phone: +1 646 876 9923;or One tap mobile: +16468769923,, 8605222217#  * Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted on CRCOG’s website.   Regional Planning Commission 6-11-2020 Meeting Agenda 1.Welcome and Introductions; 2.Adoption of Minutes: November 21, 2019 (attachment); 3.Presentation:…

Regional Planning Commission Meeting

Municipal Services

Regional Planning Commission 9-17-2020 Meeting Agenda ACCESS: via Web: For access information please contact Kim Bona at 860-724-4292 or Esta es una reunión virtual. Para mayor información sobre la conexión, por favor contactar a Kim Bona al correo electrónico: To będzie zebranie zdalne. O informacji o odpowiednim linku internetowym poprosimy kontaktować Kim Bona na adres e-mail lub…

Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Services

Regional Planning Commission 11-19-2020 Meeting Agenda ACCESS: via Web: For access information please contact Kim Bona at 860-724-4292 or Esta es una reunión virtual. Para mayor información sobre la conexión, por favor contactar a Kim Bona al correo electrónico: To będzie zebranie zdalne. O informacji o odpowiednim linku internetowym poprosimy kontaktować Kim Bona na adres e-mail lub…

Regional Planning Commission Meeting

For link information, please contact Laura Quintiliani at or 860-724-4283. * Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted on CRCOG’s website.   AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Adoption of Minutes: November 19, 2020 (attachment) Presentation: AARP – Improving Accessibility…

Regional Planning Commission Meeting

For questions or assistance, please contact Laura Quintiliani at or 860-724-4283. AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Adoption of Minutes: March 18, 2021 (attachment) Presentation: Attorney Michael Zizka, Halloran & Sage: CT Land Use/Zoning/Housing Review & Update on the 2021 Legislative Session Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals (attachment) What’s New in My Town—A Discussion and…