Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes-7-25-16

CRSC Meeting Minutes 7-25-16 Transportation Cost Review Sub-Committee Agenda-7-25-16 CRSC Meeting Minutes 6-20-16 LOTCIP Quarterly Reporting Memo Cost Increases - S Windsor and Bloomfield  

Transportation Committee Meeting

TC- Minutes 7-25-16 docx Agenda-7-25-16 TC- Minutes from 6-20-16 FINAL 2016-0725 LOTCIP Quarterly Reporting Memo (with attachments) ADA Memo Statewide Bus Study Memo TIP Amendments 2015-2018 2016-07 LOTCIP Cost Increases LRAR 2016 Memo Resolution reassigning Trustee For CRCOG Resolutions Flight Data QA/QC and Data Hosting      

Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting

Cost Review Sub- Committee-Meeting-Minutes-9-26-16 (Posted 9-27-16) Agenda Minutes from 7-25-2016 Sub-Committee Memo  

Transportation Committee Meeting

TC-Minutes-9-26-16 (Posted 9-28-16)   Agenda 9-26-16 TC Minutes 7-25-16 Safety Overview CTDOT-5 year Capital Plan CTrides Quarterly Report Apr-Jun-2016 CTfastrak Press Release CTfastrak Expansion Update I-84 Viaduct TIP Amendments (Updated September 21st, 2016) LOTCIP Funding Increase and Municipal Recognitions for Project Delivery

Bike/Ped Committee Meeting – Wednesday October 5th-12-1:30 pm

Meeting Agenda June 14, 2016 Meeting Minutes Downtown New Britain Map for CRCOG Bike Ped Committee Meeting The next Bike/Pedestrian Planning Committee meeting will be held Wednesday, October 5th  from Noon to 1:30 PM.  This meeting will be held at the Downton District Visitor’s Center, 66 West Main Street, New Britain, CT. This location is…

Transportation Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting

CRSC-Meeting-Minutes-10-17-16 CRSC-Agenda for October 17 2016 Minutes from September 26, 2016 LOTCIP Quarterly Reporting Meeting Memo Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program  

Transportation Committee Meeting

DRAFT-TC-Minutes-10-17-16 Agenda-10-17-16 Revised TC Minutes-9-26-16 Air Quality Conformity Analysis Memo LOTCIP Quarterly Reporting Meeting Memo Union Station Flyer Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program TIP Amendments-October 2016