Executive Committee

Executive Committee Agenda 08.11.2021 Executive Committee Draft Minutes 08.11.2021 Call to Order – Mayor Leclerc Public Comment Approval of Minutes from May 12, 2021 Correspondence/Handouts – Lyle Wray Letter of Retirement Chair and Executive Director Remarks and Report Solid Waste Sub-Committee Update/Presentation – Peter Souza ACTION: ARPA Funding Memo (Attached) ACTION: Lyle Transition and Consultant…

CRCOG Press Conference Requesting Statewide Mask Mandate

  This press conference has passed. Video and audio recordings are available above. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hartford, August, 19, 2021 – The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG), guided by the chief elected officials of our 38 member municipalities, have issued a letter to the governor asking for a statewide mask mandate. Along with the…

TIM Coalition Meeting

01152020mtg_minutes_draft 08252021 agenda Greater Htfd TIM Coalition_ updated20210825 TIM memo 08252021mtg_minutes_draft   *ALL ATTENDEES MUST ATTEND REMOTELY*  ACCESS: This is a remote meeting. Log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda. *Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org.

MAP Forum Multi-State Freight Working Group

The Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum announces the next meeting of its Multi-State Freight Working Group on September 14, 2021 at 10:00 am. This meeting will be available as a webinar: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/179378989. Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone: United States: +1 (408) 650-3123   Access Code:…

Bike-Ped Sub-Committee Meeting

*ALL ATTENDEES MUST ATTEND REMOTELY*  ACCESS: This is a remote meeting. Log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda. *Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. NEW: Bike/Ped Committee Minutes from 09-14-21 NEW: Audio Recording of September 14, 2021 Bike/Ped Committee…

Municipal Services Committee Special Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. MSC 9-14-2021 Special Meeting Audio Municipal Services 9-14-2021 Special Meeting Agenda MSC 9-14-2021 DRAFT Special Meeting Minutes 1.Adoption of Minutes from June 22, 2021 Meeting 2.Public Comment…

Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting

*ALL ATTENDEES MUST ATTEND REMOTELY*  ACCESS: This is a remote meeting. Log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda. *Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. DRAFT CRSC-Meeting Minutes 9-20-21 Subcommittee Agenda-9-20-21 DRAFT CRSC-Meeting Minutes 6-28-21 Audio Recording of the Meeting…

Transportation Committee Meeting

*ALL ATTENDEES MUST ATTEND REMOTELY*  ACCESS: This is a remote meeting. Log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda. *Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. DRAFT-TC-Minutes-09-20-21 TC Agenda-09-20-2021 DRAFT-TC-Minutes-07-26-21 (Revised 9/20/21) Audio Recording of the Meeting 60 Seconds for Safety…

Policy Board

CRCOG Policy Board 09-22-2021 Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 09-22-2021 Meeting Minutes 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment 3. Approval of CRCOG Policy Board 05-26-2021 Meeting Minutes 4. Correspondence/Handouts a. Youth Car Theft in CT; b. RSG Spending Report; c. Municipal Job Portal Update 5. MONTHLY REPORTS a. Chair and Executive Director b. Opportunities and Resources…

Regional Planning Commission

For questions or assistance, please contact Laura Quintiliani at lquintiliani@crcog.org or 860-724-4283. AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Adoption of Minutes: June 17, 2021 (attachment) Presentation: Affordable Housing and Regional Housing Assessment - Caitlin Palmer and Chris Henchey Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals (attachment) What’s New in My Town—A Discussion and Report on Local Planning and…

Active Living Active Transportation Advisory Committee

NEW: Active Living Active Transportation Advisory Committee Audio from 09-28-2021 Active Living Active Transportation Advisory Committee Agenda 09-21-20 CRCOG Active Transportation Committee Meeting Notes from 2021-01-19

Ad-Hoc Working Committee on Crumbling Foundations

NOTICE AND AGENDA AGENDA 10.14.2021 Ad-Hoc Working Committee on Crumbling Foundations Minutes  Call to Order – Lori Spielman Approval of Minutes from December 5, 2019 Presentation – Michael Maglaras, CIC, Principal at Michael Maglaras & Company Legislative Update Capitol Region Council of Governments Update Foundation Testing Update Request for Qualification (RFQ) Other Business Adjournment