Policy Board

CRCOG Policy Board 10-27-2021 Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 10-27-2021 Minutes 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment 3. Approval of CRCOG Policy Board 09-22-21 Meeting Minutes 4. Correspondence/Handouts  a. DWS Circular Letter # 2021-86 b. ARPA Funding for Regional Opportunities and Technical Assistance on ARPA 5. MONTHLY REPORTS a. Chair and Executive Director b. Opportunities and…

UCONN and Trinity Crumbling Foundations Update

This meeting has passed. To view the presentation by Trinity, please click here. To view the presentation provided by UConn, please click here.      

Human Services Coordinating Council Committee Meeting: Panhandling

This meeting has passed. Please see below for meeting minutes.  ACCESS: This is a remote meeting. Log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda. *Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. HSCC Meeting Minutes 11-09-21 HSCC Meeting Agenda-11-9-21 (1) Meeting…

Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting

*ALL ATTENDEES MUST ATTEND REMOTELY*  ACCESS: This is a remote meeting. Log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda. *Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. DRAFT CRSC-Meeting Minutes 11-15-21 (Amended 4/25/22) DRAFT Cost Review-Sub-Committee Meeting Agenda Audio Recording of the…

Transportation Committee Meeting

*ALL ATTENDEES MUST ATTEND REMOTELY* ACCESS: This is a remote meeting. Log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda. *Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. DRAFT-TC-Minutes 11-15-21 Draft TC Agenda-11-15-2021 Audio…

CRCOG Foundation

NEW: CRCOG Foundation November 17 2021 Draft Meeting Minutes NEW: CRCOG Foundation November 17 2021 Meeting Audio CRCOG Foundation November 17, 2021 Agenda CRCOG Foundation March 12, 2020 Minutes

Policy Board

  CRCOG Policy Board 11-17-2021 Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 11-17-2021 Minutes 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment 3. Approval of CRCOG Policy Board 10-27-21 Meeting Minutes 4. Correspondence/Handouts a. MEMORANDUM: Three Grant Funding Opportunities b. Economic Impact of Hartford Springfield Boston Rail Service Webinar c. Fall 2021 PSELC Workshops d. Proposed 2022 Policy Board…

Investing in Transportation Infrastructure to Accelerate Economic Growth Economic Impact of Hartford Springfield Boston Rail Service

The transcontinental railroad and the US interstate highway system are two examples of transportation investments that yielded massive economic benefits. Recently the Capital Region Council of Governments and the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission commissioned a study to look at the economic impact of restoring regular passenger rail service from Hartford to Springfield to Boston. The…

Regional Planning Commission

For questions or assistance, please contact Laura Quintiliani at lquintiliani@crcog.org or 860-724-4283. AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Adoption of Minutes: September 23, 2021 (attachment) Presentation: Cannabis Best Practices; Format TBD Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals (attachment) Approval of 2022 Meeting Schedule What’s New in My Town—A Discussion and Report on Local Planning and Development Activities in the…

MAP Forum Annual Meeting

The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum will be hosted by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council as a webinar. Meeting access information and the meeting agenda can be found on the Public Notice. The MAP Forum is a consortium of ten Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Councils of Governments (COGs)…

Municipal Services Committee Meeting

Meeting access is remote only, consistent with provisions specified in Executive Order No. 7B. This meeting will be recorded. Audio will be posted within seven (7) days at www.crcog.org. MSC 12-7-2021 Audio Recording MSC 12-7-2021 DRAFT Meeting Minutes MSC 12-7-2021 Meeting Agenda  1.Adoption of Minutes from October 19, 2021, Meeting   2.Public Comment   3.ARPA: Potential Transformational Regional…

Metro Hartford RapidRoutes Technical Advisory Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda and Access Information The purpose of CRCOG's Transit Priority Corridors Study, known as Metro Hartford RapidRoutes, is to develop transit priority measures to improve the speed and reliability of transit services in major Metro Hartford corridors. The Technical Advisory Committee is made up of regional stakeholders, and their input helps to guide the…