Transportation Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

DRAFT CRSC Meeting Minutes-7-22-19 Subcommittee Agenda 7-22-19 DRAFT CRSC Meeting Minutes-5-20-19 LOTCIP Quarterly Reporting Memo with attachments Farmington-LOTCIP Project Funding Transfer Request Enfield-LOTCIP Bike Path Improvements Cost Increase - Posted on 7/16* 2019 LOTCIP On-Call 1 and 2 Fee Schedules

**Special Transportation Committee Meeting-Acting on behalf of the Policy Board**

Executive Director Matt Hart

DRAFT-TC-Minutes-7-22-19 TC Agenda-07-22-19 DRAFT-TC-Minutes-6-17-19 LOTCIP Quarterly Reporting Memo with attachments LOTCIP On-Call 1 and 2 Fee Schedules DRAFT 2021-2024 TIP Active Transportation Project Solicitation TIP Amendments Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program Project Rankings Farmington Colt Highway Funds Transfer Request Enfield-LOTCIP Bike Path Improvements Cost Increase   Posted on 7/16*2019

Executive Committee (via conference call)

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Executive Committee 8-14-19 Agenda CRCOG Executive Committee 8-14-19 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from May 8, 2019 4.Correspondence/Handouts: Letter from OPM re: 2019 CEDS for Capitol Region CEDS Next Steps Letter to Senator Murphy re: Northeast Corridor Rail Governance and Financing Boston Rail update 5.Chair and Executive Director…

Municipal Services Committee

Executive Director Matt Hart

9-17-2019 MSC Minutes 9-17-2019 MSCAgenda 5-21-2019 MSC Minutes MSC September 2019 Update

Central Connecticut Solid Waste Authority

CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 9-17-19 Minutes CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 9-17-19 Agenda CCSWA Full Membership Meeting 6-25-19 Minutes

Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Services

Regional Planning Commission 9-19-19 Meeting Agenda 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Adoption of Minutes: May 16, 2019 3.Presentation and Discussion of RPC Subcommittee Revisions and RPC Rules of Procedure 4.Presentation: Policy and Planning update - CRCOG Staff 5.Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals 6.What’s New in My Town—A Discussion and Report on Local Planning and Development Activities…

CRCOG Transportation Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

DRAFT CRSC Meeting Minutes-9-23-19 Subcommittee Agenda-9-23-19 DRAFT CRSC Meeting Minutes-7-22-19 LOTCIP Hebron Intersection Improvements Cost Increase Draft Fund Transfer Procedure  

Transportation Committee Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

DRAFT-TC-Minutes-9-23-19 Agenda-09-23-19 DRAFT-TC-Minutes-7-22-19 Highway Exit Renumbering On-Call Consultant Fee Schedules Draft Fund Transfer Procedure GoCT Card Mobile App 2019 Scenario Planning Conference in Hartford DRAFT Complete Streets Policy Memo   (Posted 9/17/*19 TIP Amendments Hebron: LOTCIP Project Cost increase Request  

Policy Board

Executive Director Matt Hart

CRCOG Policy Board 9-25-19 Meeting Agenda CRCOG Policy Board 9-25-19 Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from May 22, 2019 Meeting 4.Correspondence/Handouts: Metro Hartford Future CEDS Memo CEDS Next Steps Letter from Governor Lamont re: Adoption of CEDS Sample Letter to Secretary Fleming re: endorsement formation of CEDS Letter to Senator…