Crumbling Foundation AD HOC Meeting

Crumbling Foundations AD HOC Meeting Agenda-8-23-17 2017-8-23-CCF-Minutes (Draft)  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes - Draft CCF-Minutes-4-6-2017 Discussion with Senator Murphy and Senator Blumenthal regarding Crumbling Foundation Issues Other Business Public Comment Adjournment

Public Safety Council Meeting

The Public Safety Council Meeting that was scheduled for Thursday September 14th, has been cancelled.

Regional Planning Commission Meeting

Municipal Services

Meeting Agenda Background Memo Minutes - May 18, 2017 Referral Report, September 6, 2017 Draft Minutes - September 14, 2017 Meeting

Bike/Pedestrain Committee

Executive Director Matt Hart

This meeting will offer a presentation and update on Bike Share Initiatives in the region and on Hartford Business Improvement District’s Bicycle Roadside Assistance Program.  The meeting materials are below: Agenda Draft Minutes - June 13, 2107  

Municipal Services Committee

Minutes AGENDA 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: 2. Regional Assessment • Presentation from John Filchak, Executive Director of Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (NECCOG) • Discussion 3. STATUS REPORTS a. Capitol Region Purchasing Council b. Nutmeg Network Demonstration Projects (Streaming, HR Portal, EDMS) c. RPIP projects (Statewide flight, CAPTAIN 4G) d. IT Services Cooperative (Online Permitting,…

Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting

CRSC Meeting Minutes 9-25-17 CRSC Subcommittee Agenda 9-25-17 CRSC Meeting Minutes 7-24-17 CRSC Subcommittee Memo - Simsbury Bloomfield Cost Increase- Posted on 9-19-17 Subcommittee Memo - LOTCIP Policy-Posted on 9-19-17  

Transportation Committee Meeting

TC-Minutes-9-25-17 Revised TC Agenda-9-25-17-Posted 9-19-17 Minutes-7-24-17 CTrides Quarterly Report Storrs Express Bus Service CRSC Subcommittee Memo - Simsbury Bloomfield Cost Increase- Posted on 9-19-17 CRCOG Statewide Freight Plan Comments Letter-Posted on 9-19-17 TIP amendments There no TIP amendments for action. However, due to the urgency of programming projects, TIP amendments may be added prior to…

Policy Board Meeting

CRCOG Policy Board Meeting September 27, 2017, Noon Former MIRA Trash Museum Policy Board Meeting Minutes-9-27-17 PB Agenda Sept 27th- 2017 PB Meeting Minutes May 24-17 Preliminary Approval of By law Changes to meet FHWA Requirements Resolution to Execute Notice of Grant Award for Crumbling Foundation Testing Program Resolution Authorizing Planning Services Contract to Update…

Ad-Hoc Working Committee on Crumbling Foundations

2017-10-5 CCF Agenda 2017-10-5-Draft-Minutes Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes from Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 Legislative Update (if applicable) Discussion Regarding Potential Sub-committee to Review Alternative Practices Testing Program Update Other Business Adjournment

Complete Streets Plan Pop-ups: Nightfall Hartford

CRCOG will have a table at Nightfall Hartford where we will be asking people for input on our Complete Streets Plan. More information about Nightfall Hartford can be found here:  

Executive Committee Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

Please Note: The Executive Committee Meeting that was originally scheduled for Wednesday October 11th has been CANCELLED.

Municipal Services Committee

Minutes 1. Adoption of Minutes 2. Dial-a-Ride Discussion 3. Regional Election Monitor 4. Status Reports Capitol Region Purchasing Council Nutmeg Network Demonstration Projects (HR Portal, EDMS) RPIP Projects (Statewide Flight, CAPTAIN 4G) IT Services Cooperative (Online Permitting, VOIP, Hosting) Crumbling Foundations 5. Municipal Information Sharing and Other Business 6. Adjournment