Public Comment Period Extended: Transit Priority Corridor Recommendations

Since December 2020, CRCOG staff, along with a consultant team led by Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, has been working on a Transit Priority Corridors Study, also known as Metro Hartford Rapid Routes. The goal of this effort has been to take the priority corridor recommendations from CRCOG’s Comprehensive Service Analysis of the Hartford Division of CTtransit (April 2017) and progress them into an actionable Implementation Strategy.

This study has focused on developing priority measure recommendations that would improve the speed and reliability of transit services in the following corridors: Albany Avenue, Farmington Avenue, Franklin Avenue, Main Street, and Park Street in Hartford as well Burnside Avenue in East Hartford. Priority measures being considered include bus stop optimization, transit signal priority, and bus lanes.

A draft of the Transit Priority Corridors Implementation Strategy is available for review, and the public comment period will run through July 15, 2022. CRCOG staff will be coordinating with the City of Hartford and the Town of East Hartford to secure municipal endorsement of the study’s recommendations, and we expect to seek endorsement by CRCOG’s Transportation Committee and Policy Board at their meetings on September 26, 2022, and September 28, 2022, respectively.

The draft Implementation Strategy, associated appendices, and English and Spanish versions of the Executive Summary are available at Please send your comments on the documents to by July 15, 2022. You may also contact Cara Radzins at with any questions.