In the Capitol Region, a well-balanced transportation system – one that provides high quality transit and promotes active transportation modes (walking and biking) that complement and compete with the automobile – is a critical component of creating sustainable, livable communities and regions. Not only is access to multiple transportation options important for the environment and physical health, but mobility is essential for accessing opportunity in all aspects of life (housing, education, employment, health care, healthy food, recreation and more).
What is a Complete Street?
The National Complete Streets Coalition defines Complete Streets as, “streets for everyone [that] are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Complete Streets make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops, and bicycle to work. They allow buses to run on time and make it safe for people to walk to and from train stations.”
Measuring Complete Streets
In 2014 CRCOG developed its first Active Transportation Audit to gather information and rate key intersections for bicycling and walking in the region. An audit is available for roadway intersections and for trails. The audits are easy to complete and are designed for communities to use on their own as well as for use in the regional bike ped count program.
Planning for Active Transportation
In 2016, CRCOG was awarded a grant of technical assistance from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors to attend the Step it Up! Walkability Action Institute. CRCOG took an interdisciplinary team including expertise in the areas of transportation, planning, public health and an elected official. The team produced a 5-goal Action Plan to Increase Walking and Walkability.
For information on the Complete Streets Work in the Capitol Region contact:
Caitlin Palmer
Senior Community Development Planner
860 724 4435