Erik Snowden
GIS and IT Manager

Erik Snowden headshot

860-724-4217 Email Erik Snowden is the GIS and IT Manager at CRCOG.  He manages the CRCOG office network and IT as well as its GIS system, Online Parcel Viewer (Web…

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Bill Perkins

CRCOG Public Safety | Staff | Consultant | Bill Perkins

Consultant – Trainer & Homeland Security Project Coordinator 860-724-4273 Email Bill Perkins is the Capitol Region Emergency Planning Council’s (CREPC) Exercise, Training & Emergency Management/Homeland Security Projects Coordinator. Bill is…

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Pramod R. Pandey
Principal Planner, II

Pramod R. Pandey headshot

860-724-4216 Email Pramod R Pandey has been with CRCOG as a Principal Planner in the Transportation Department since 2008. His responsibilities include Title VI & Environment Justice related activities, MPO…

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Pauline Yoder
Chief Operating Officer

Pauline Yoder headshot

860-724-4285 Email Pauline Yoder is the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Municipal Services at CRCOG. The Municipal Services Department at CRCOG is responsible for the Capitol Region Purchasing Council,…

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