This tool shows the CRCOG Complete Streets Network categorized by context zones. It also includes “typical cross sections” of what a complete street could look like in a given context.
CRCOG Complete Streets Network Tool
The CS Network was developed initially through a data driven approach, and further customized with stakeholder feedback. The process involved first categorizing land use in the CRCOG region into several context zones. The second step mapped factors that influenced the selection of streets for the network, including Demand, Safety , and Equity. The relative importance of these factors was given a weighting score by members of the study’s Advisory Committee. The Composite Map served as the basis for identifying areas in need of Complete Streets development and overall connectivity across the CRCOG Region. The final step in the network development process was to create street typologies for each segment of the network based on the context zones through which they pass. A street typology is a typical representation of the general Complete Streets requirements for a given area and is based on average street dimensions for all segments within each street classification group. For this reason, the typical sections are not absolute prescriptions for how a street should be developed, rather a general guideline for practitioners to consult when planning, designing, or maintaining a street on the network. Specific design guidance should be consulted as appropriate.