The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) is seeking a qualified and experienced consulting firm to assist in preparing a Roundabout Screening Study. The purpose of the screening study is to determine intersections in the CRCOG region that are most likely to see significant improvement in traffic operations and safety, if the existing intersection is converted into a modern single-lane roundabout.
A Request for Qualifications including a preliminary scope of work and minimum firm requirements are outlined in the document here: Roundabout Screening RFQ . Questions should be directed in writing to the appropriate CRCOG staff as indicated in the RFQ. Statements of qualifications must be received by CRCOG no later than 2:00 pm on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. Only electronic submissions are being accepted in response to this RFQ. Submissions should be prepared as a single PDF and emailed to Roger Krahn . Responses received after this date and time will not be considered. Arrangements for transmission of large files should be made in advance, as technical difficulties in sending or receiving a submission shall not be a valid reason for missing the deadline.
2020-09-30 Addendum 1 CRCOG Roundabout Screening RFQ
2020-10-7 Addendum 2 CRCOG Roundabout Screening RFQ