Description: The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is making approximately $15M in Formula Funding from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) available to implement the state's National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Plan. The state anticipates receiving approximately $52M in Federal funding over a five-year period related to this Formula Program.
This first round grant solicitation focuses on implementing Phase 1 of the NEVI Plan, which will strategically deploy Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs) to help build out the national electric AFC network. Approximately $15M will be made available to build DC fast charging in eleven (11) of the twelve (12) proposed zones identified to provide charging along Connecticut’s AFCs. The map and list below contain more information about CT's AFCs:
CTDOT's consultant, Fuss & O'Neill, provides an interactive map to view CT's Priority Zones.
Link to Program Website:
Key Dates and Deadlines:
- CTDOT anticipates opening the call for Letters of Intent (LOIs) on September 28. Applicants interested in submitting proposals for this grant are required to first submit an LOI, which are due no later than 5 pm on November 9, 2023. Potential applicants can submit LOIs at anytime within the open window.
- CTDOT expects the Request for Proposals (RFP) solicitation to be released in January 2024.
Interested parties are encouraged to track this program on CTDOT's NEVI Program Website, or subscribe for email updates from CTDOT.
Eligible Applicants:
- Business (e.g., corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships, and limited liability companies);
- Government-owned entity (e.g., municipalities, state agencies, institutions, universities, and community colleges);
- Tribal government agency;
- Utilities (as confirmed by CTDOT Staff during the morning webinar on September 20, 2023).
Cost-Share: 80:20. Federal funding is limited to a maximum of 80% of eligible project costs. Applicants will need to submit a plan demonstrating how they will fund the required 20% match without using Federally-sourced funds.
Other Important Links: CTDOT Staff recommend that applicants become familiar with the following documents to ensure their proposed project aligns with program goals:
- CTDOT NEVI Plan Webpage
- CTDOT NEVI Plan: Connecticut's Charging Ahead Plan
- FHWA NEVI Standards and Requirements Final Rule or PDF Version
- FHWA NEVI Formula Program Frequently Asked Questions
- FHWA NEVI Formula Program Guidance
- FHWA NEVI Formula Program Fact Sheet
Webinars: CTDOT anticipates hosting several webinars related to this solicitation.
Links to recordings of past webinars will be available on the CT NEVI Program Website.
Other Funding Opportunities: It is anticipated that once AFC's are fully built-out to Federal standards, then other locations will become eligible for this Formula Funding. Projects outside of AFC's and Priority Zones may still be eligible for funding offered from other Federal, State, and Local government programs, utilities, and/or non-government programs. Information about FHWA's Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program for FY2022 (now closed) is available here; another round of funding is anticipated in 2023/2024.
To learn more about building electric vehicle charging stations, please attend CRCOG's EV Seminar on October 18, 2023.
This summary is based on a review of the CTDOT NEVI Formula Program on September 21, 2023 and information shared during CTDOT's morning session webinar on September 20, 2023.
Please contact Elizabeth Sanderson, BIL Coordinator at CRCOG, with questions or if you would like assistance applying for this funding opportunity. Questions about CTDOT's NEVI Formula Funding Program should be directed to CTDOT NEVI Team or the program email address: