December 19, 2016 State Plan of C&D Workshop

The Connecticut Office of Policy and Management is initiating its 5-year revision process for the 2018-2023 Conservation and Development Policies: The Plan for Connecticut (State C&D Plan).  On September 15, 2016 OPM submitted an initial draft containing only minimal revisions to the members of the Continuing Legislative Committee on State Planning and Development for their review and will be making a draft available for broader review and input shortly.

In the coming weeks and months, OPM staff is working to facilitate informal, initial outreach workshops with each regional council of governments (COG) and its member municipalities in order to gain feedback relating to the plan update. We invite you to participate in the Capitol Region workshop on the draft plan, which will provide you with an opportunity to inform OPM of any issues and concerns that you might have at this early stage.  The meeting is scheduled for:

Date:   Monday, December 19, 2016 Time:   10 a.m. to Noon Location:  (former) MIRA Trash Museum, 211 Murphy Road, Hartford CT

Please RSVP to confirm your attendance with Brittany Stephenson.  We hope that you will be able to join us for this important workshop.

The State C&D Plan provides the framework for the development, resource management and public investment policies for the state, and state agencies must be consistent with the C&D Plan whenever they undertake certain actions using state or federal funds.  State agency actions that address immediate public health and safety concerns are generally exempt from this requirement.

We invite you to share this information with other interested parties in your communities, such as municipal land use commissions.  If you have any questions, please feel free to Mary Ellen Kowalewski


Letter to Continuing Committee

Draft 2018-2023 State CD Plan to Committee 2016

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