Public Meeting: Metropolitan Transportation Plan (Manchester Community College)

The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) is developing its Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), a plan which lays out a vision for the region’s transportation system over the next 25 years. CRCOG has released a draft of the MTP and is seeking comments on it. This plan forms the core of the region’s transportation planning…

Public Meeting: Metropolitan Transportation Plan (Hartford YWCA)

The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) is developing its Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), a plan which lays out a vision for the region’s transportation system over the next 25 years. CRCOG has released a draft of the MTP and is seeking comments on it. This plan forms the core of the region’s transportation planning…

Municipal Services Committee

Executive Director Matt Hart

3-19-2019 MSCAgenda 2-19-2019 MSC Minutes 3-19-2019 MSC Minutes Adoption of Minutes Proposed State Budget Discussion of Current Thoughts and Approaches State Regional Assessment Proposal Discussion Status Reports Capitol Region Purchasing Council Nutmeg Network Demonstration Projects (HR Portal, EDMS) IT Services Cooperative (Online Permitting, VOIP, Hosting) Cybersecurity Crumbling Foundations Municipal Information Sharing and Other Business Municipal…

Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Services

RPC 3-21-19 Meeting Agenda (revised) 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Adoption of Minutes: 1-17-19 DRAFT Meeting Minutes 3.Report of Nominating Committee (attachment) 4.Presentation of RPC Roles and Responsibilities (attachment) 5. Final Call for Interested Candidates and Election of RPC Chair and Vice-Chair 6. Presentation: Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update 7.Report on Zoning and Subdivision Referrals (attachment) 8.What's New…

Transportation Cost Review Sub-Committee Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

DRAFT CRSC Meeting Minutes 3-25-19 DRAFT 03-25-19 Subcommittee Agenda DRAFT CRSC Meeting Minutes 2-25-19 2019 CRCOG TA Solicitation and Draft Guidance

Transportation Committee Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

DRAFT-TC-Minutes-3-25-19 Agenda-03-25-19 DRAFT-TC-Minutes-2-25-19 Eversource Utility Relocation Charges Update CRCOG Finance Revenue & Bonding Committee Testimony TIP Amendments CRCOG's Metropolitan Transportation Plan Air Quality Conformity Analysis Transit Asset Management (TAM) Performance Targets Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program Solicitation Guidance  

Greater Hartford TIM Coalition Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

Agenda-3-26-19 DRAFT-TIM Coalition Meeting Minutes 3-26-19 TIM Coalition Meeting Minutes-11-20-18 AARinfo-91 Rocky Hill DRAFT-AAR-Process Outline Presentation Powerpoint Presentation - Rocky Hill Fire PowerPoint Presentation- State Police Troop H

Policy Board Special Meeting

Executive Director Matt Hart

Policy Board 4-3-19 Special Meeting Agenda DRAFT Policy Board 4-3-19 Special Meeting Minutes 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment 3.Approval of Minutes from February 27, 2019 Meeting 4.Correspondence/Handouts: Testimony on H.B. 7192 An Act Concerning Municipal and Regional Opportunities and Efficiencies Tourism Report Save the Date: New England Knowledge Corridor (NEKC) Partnership Spring Forum 5.Monthly Reports…

Corridor Advisory Committee

Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions: Co-Chairs Michael J. Freda, First Selectman, North Haven, and J. Christopher Kervick, First Selectman, Town of Windsor Locks. 2. Acceptance of January 8, 2019 Meeting Notes. 4. Update on CTrail Service – CTDOT Staff. 5. Update on Springfield – Worcester Rail Study -  PVPC. 6. Presentation: Next Steps in…