Regional Bikeshare

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In 2014, CRCOG along with the Greater Hartford Transit District worked with other agencies and a consultant to evaluate the feasibility of implementing bikeshare in the Hartford region.  The final results of the study – the Metro Hartford Region Bike Share Plan – laid out a 3-phase approach to gradually ramp up the size of the system. However, at the time, bikeshare systems required significant capital investment to set up and the communities where bikeshare was identified to be the most feasible were not in a position to make such sizable investments.

Also the time of the study, smart-bike technology was just beginning to emerge (as opposed to the traditional dock-based systems) but was not commonplace yet. Since then, smart-bike technology has continued to evolve and with dockless smart-bicycles arriving on the bikeshare scene in 2017, CRCOG is exploring regional bikeshare once more.


Regional Bikeshare Kickoff Meeting – Held 3-20-19

CRCOG met with interested communities on March 20th, 2019. So far, 20 communities have expressed interest in learning more about regional bikeshare and the RFP that CRCOG is proposing to issue later this year.

Copies of the RFPs by other communities mentioned in the presentation:

The next meeting is planned for April 25th. 


Contact Caitlin Palmer at for more information. 

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