In 2020, the Regional Transportation Safety Plan (RTSP) for the Capitol Region was prepared by the CT Department of Transportation, in coordination with CRCOG, and each of the 38 municipalities in the region, to serve as a road map to reduce fatal and injury crashes. This RTSP is aligned with the Connecticut Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) which guides the State in obtaining the same objective. This regional plan differs from the SHSP because it specifically identifies high frequency crash locations and possible countermeasures that have the potential to reduce crashes and improve overall safety for all roadway users in the region. The Regional Transportation Safety Plan is data-driven, using crash data from the University of Connecticut’s Crash Data Repository over a 3 year period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017. The RTSP was amended in 2022 and again in 2023. A complete update of this RTSP for the Capitol Region will be completed using Federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) funds beginning in 2023.
Capitol Region Regional Transportation Safety Plan, Updated June 2023