Transportation Planning Study Solicitation

CRCOG recently received notification that the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is accepting applications from the regions for Transportation Planning Studies. Each Council of Government (COG) may submit up to three (3) study applications. However, given that CRCOG is currently advancing three (3) planning studies and has an additional five (5) studies in the initiation phase, staffing capacity necessitates that CRCOG submit a maximum of two (2) municipally initiated corridor studies as part of this solicitation.

To apply for a study, municipalities should complete the Planning Study Application and submit a signed electronic copy to Mike Cipriano by 10:00am on April 26, 2021. It is envisioned that selected studies will utilize STP-Urban funding. Please note that CTDOT requires each study to have a minimum size of $150,000, and under the STP-Urban program municipalities will be required to provide a 20% non-federal match (CTDOT may split the match 10% state, 10% municipality for studies on state roadways or with a transit focus). Each municipality may submit one application.

CRCOG staff will provide a summary of the study applications along with a staff recommendation for prioritization at the Transportation Committee meeting on May 24, 2021. Following this meeting, CRCOG will forward the top-rated proposals to CTDOT for their review and approval. CTDOT anticipates reviewing corridor study applications by November 1, 2021 and requesting any clarification from municipalities shortly thereafter. Selected corridor studies will be assigned to CTDOT staff by Winter 2021/2022.

Based on discussion and action at the CRCOG  Transportation Committee meeting on March 22, 2021, studies submitted under this solicitation will be ranked on the following:

Criterion Max. Points
Community Character and Regional Significance

  • Relationship and fit of this study to other studies (planned or underway)
  • Identified in the municipal Plan of Conservation and Development
  • Consistency with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan
  • Consistency with the Regional Transportation Safety Plan


Addresses Regional Performance Measures

  • Includes improvements to federal performance areas: safety, infrastructure conditions, freight movement, congestion reduction, and/or emissions reduction


Economic Development

  • Study would support the economic development goals of the community



  • Consideration for at least two different modes, including automobiles, bicycles/pedestrians, transit, freight


Environmental Justice (EJ)





If you have any questions, please contact Mike Cipriano.


Transportation Planning Study Solicitation Memo

Planning Study Application


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