Safety Planning

In an effort to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes, CRCOG is looking to advance the following initiatives:


  • Assess national best practices
  • Evaluate VMTs within the region
  • Issue regional safety data two times a year
  • Advance a Regional Safety Plan
  • Ensure CTDOT-RPO safety collaboration
  • Support CT Safety Circuit Rider Program
  • Monitor safety money and projects
  • Ensure safety projects are being advance within the region
  • Consider rating criteria or funding set-aside amounts to address safety

Projects & Funding

There are a number of projects that are being advanced in the Capitol Region that are generally funded by Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds. There are also other safety projects that are funded by the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STP) and Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) to name a couple sources.

A list of specific safety projects in our Region can be found below:

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