Request for Proposals: Regional Municipal Employment Applicant Tracking Portal

RFP Documents:

Addendum 1 CRCOG Applicant Tracking Portal RFP (posted 11/21/2016)
Regional Municipal Employment Applicant Tracking Portal RFP
Attachment C: Applicant Tracking Functional Requirements Matrix
Attachment D: Applicant Tracking Fee Proposal Spreadsheet

The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) seeks proposals from qualified and experienced vendors to develop a Regional Municipal Employment Applicant Tracking Portal in support of the agency’s Human Resources Portal Demonstration Project. It is CRCOG’s intent to award a contract in January 2017. The portal is anticipated to be established and operational by March 31, 2017 for an initial set of pilot municipalities. Additional municipalities may be added to the portal over time.

In order to be considered for award of a contract, all respondents must meet the following minimum qualifications:

  1. All required licensures, registrations and certifications to do business in the State of Connecticut
  2. Verifiable experience developing products of similar size and scope for other public entities and/or consortia.

Sealed proposals shall be addressed to Hedy Ayers, Special Projects Manager, Capitol Region Council of Governments, 241 Main Street, 4th Floor, Hartford, CT 06106, and must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. E.S.T. on Friday, December 9, 2016. Responses received after that deadline will be rejected. Envelopes must be clearly marked Regional Municipal Employment Applicant Tracking Portal to ensure they are recorded in connection with the correct solicitation. Please read the RFP documents for more information on required information for proposals.

Questions should be directed in writing to Hedy Ayers, Special Projects Manager, at All questions shall have the following in the subject line: Questions: Regional Municipal Employment Applicant Tracking Portal.

No oral interpretations shall be made to any respondent as to the meaning of any of the documents. Every request for an interpretation shall be made in writing to the email address listed above. To receive consideration, questions must be received by 10:00 a.m. E.S.T. on Thursday, November 17, 2016.

The Special Projects Manager will arrange as addenda, which shall be made a part of this Request for Proposals and any resulting contracts, all questions received as above provided and the decisions regarding each. The questions and responses and any additional clarifications shall be posted no later than Monday, November 21, 2016 to CRCOG’s website, It is the responsibility of each respondent to determine whether any addenda have been issued and if so, to download copies directly from the agency’s website.

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