Public Meetings Scheduled for Final Transit Rider Feedback on Comprehensive Transit Service Analysis

Public Meetings Scheduled for Final Transit Rider Feedback on Comprehensive Transit Service Analysis

Capitol Region Council of Governments Will Be Hosting a Final Round of Public Meetings to Gather Feedback from Transit Riders on Potential CTtransit Service Improvements

Hartford, Connecticut – The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) will be holding a final round of public meetings to gather input from transit riders and other community members on service improvement recommendations as part of the Comprehensive Transit Service Analysis. Drafts of the study’s final deliverables and maps of recommended service changes will be on display for comment. The meetings will be held at various times and locations throughout the Capitol Region to encourage participation from the public and stakeholders. A table of event times and locations can be found at the end of this release.

The Comprehensive Transit Service Analysis is a collaboration between CRCOG, the Connecticut Department of Transportation, CTtransit, and Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates. The purpose of this effort is to evaluate current CTtransit route effectiveness and to recommend bus system changes to increase ridership and convenience. Feedback from the upcoming meetings will be used to critique the presented service change recommendations and draft Final Report.

The open house style meetings will be held during lunch and evening hours. Each meeting will feature a short presentation about the study and its service improvement recommendations. Study maps will be on display before and after the presentation, and study team members will be on hand to answer questions. Refreshments will be provided.

Interested individuals can find drafts of the materials to be presented and learn more about the study at



Tuesday, November 29 – Manchester

5:00pm to 7:00pm, presentation at 5:30pm
Whiton Memorial Library, Auditorium
100 N. Main Street, Manchester

Wednesday, November 30 – West Hartford

5:00pm to 7:00pm, presentation at 5:30pm
Elmwood Community Center, Room 29/211
1106 New Britain Avenue, West Hartford

Thursday, December 1 – Hartford

11:30am to 1:30pm, presentation at 12:15pm
Christ Church Cathedral, Auditorium
45 Church Street, Hartford

5:00pm to 7:00pm, presentation at 5:30pm
Christ Church Cathedral, Auditorium
45 Church Street, Hartford

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