Public Participation

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

Public Involvement Each major planning project that the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) undertakes includes a public involvement component, tailored to the specific project. In addition to public meetings,…

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Eastern Gateways

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

The purpose of the Eastern Gateways Study was to develop an implementation and strategy plan to address current and long-range intermodal travel and community quality of life issues along the…

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Municipal Sharing Summary

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

CRCOG has compiled a summary of the various service sharing our municipalities do.  The categories are as follows: Back Office, Public safety, Intratown and Equipment or Other Sharing.  PDF printable…

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Connecticut Strategic Economic Framework

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

Connecticut Strategic Economic Framework 1999 Mission: The Connecticut Regional Institute for the 21st Century, a coalition of public, private and institutional leadership, was formed to develop a framework for understanding the…

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Hartford Millennium Project

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

Metro Hartford Millennium Project Cover 1998 Metro Hartford Millennium Project Executive Summary Metro Hartford Millennium Project NoAppendices Full Report (including Appendices)

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West Hartford Road Diet and Safety Study

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

Study Overview The purpose of the West Hartford Road Diet and Safety Study was to explore the potential of improving the bicycle and pedestrian environment and exploring opportunities for increasing…

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