Regional Complete Streets Survey

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

At, members of the public can report locations in their communities and throughout the region that need improved walking and biking facilities. This map will help inform the Capitol Region…

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Metro Hartford Future

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

Metro Hartford Future is an initiative to develop a strategy to guide the region’s economic development efforts. CRCOG is leading this effort in partnership with the Hartford Foundation for Public…

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Draft 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program and Air Quality Conformity Analysis

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Links to Documents” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:left|color:%23008fe2″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]DRAFT TIP 2018-2021 Full Document (Revised July 14, 2017) DRAFT 2018-2021 TIP Summary Only (updated 7/14/2017) Section-A-Projects-by-program (updated 7/14/2017) Section-B-AQCA-summary (updated 7/14/2017) Section-C-Bridge-Projects (updated 7/14/2017) Section-D-Safety-Projects (updated 7/14/2017) Section-E-Projects-by-town…

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CTfastrak Ridership Remains Strong

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

Hartford, Connecticut – The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) is pleased to announce that ridership on CTfastrak is showing significant year-over-year growth. According to data provided by the Connecticut…

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CRCOG On-road Bike Map Update

CRCOG logo with a Connecticut map; the Capitol Region highlighted

At the February 22 meeting of the Capitol Region Council of Governments Transportation Committee, we presented a map that was developed as part of the 2008 CRCOG Pedestrian and Bicycle…

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