Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

The Capitol Region’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) provides a long-range (20+ year) overview of the anticipated major transportation improvements and investments in the Capitol Region. It is a systems level plan that provides general policy guidance by identifying the highest priority transportation needs in the Region and outlining projects and programs to address those needs. The MTP is updated every four years in conformance with federal transportation regulations.

For the current and archived plans, see below. For specific projects scheduled to be funded over the next four years, see the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

Current Plan: CONNECT 2050

In 2023, CRCOG prepared an update of its Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), titled CONNECT 2050. Additionally, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) conducted an Air Quality Conformity Analysis (AQCA) related to the MTP. Both of these documents appear below:

CRCOG Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2023-2050

CRCOG Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2023-2050: Appendices

CRCOG Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2023-2050: Executive Summary

CRCOG Plan de Transporte Metropolitano 2023-2050: Resumen ejecutiv

CRCOG Plan Transportu Metropolitalnego 2023-2050: Podsumowanie wykonawcze

CTDOT Air Quality Conformity Determination

CONNECT 2050 was the culmination of a public process completed in May 2023. Hybrid meetings to receive public input on the Draft MTP and the associated AQCA were held in March 2023.

Public Meeting Presentation – March 2023

A first round of public meetings related to this plan were held in November 2022 in a hybrid format, with the in-person location held at CRCOG Offices. The recordings and presentation from these meetings can be found below:

Public Meeting Presentation – November 2022

Please direct any questions or concerns to CRCOG’s Deputy Director of Transportation Planning, Cara Radzins. You may reach her by email or by phone: 860-724-4251.

Archived Plans

2019 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

2019 Metropolitan Transportation Plan: Executive Summary

2019 Metropolitan Transportation Plan: Appendices

2019 CRCOG Plan de Transporte Metropolitano: Resumen ejecutivo

2019 CRCOG Plan Transportowy Obszaru Metropolitalnego: Streszczenie

2015 Long Range Transportation Plan

2015 Executive Summary

2011 Long Range Transportation Plan

2011 Executive Summary

2007 Long Range Transportation Plan

2007 Executive Summary