Farmington Connectivity Study

CRCOG and the Town of Farmington are conducting a Connectivity Study in the Town of Farmington.


  • The study will examine the impacts and benefits of a proposed new bridge across the Farmington River, connecting Monteith Drive from Route 4 (north of the Farmington River) to New Britain Ave (south side of the river).



Multimodal Connectivity:

  • The new bridge aims to improve multimodal connectivity between important facilities such as Town Hall, Town Library, and High School on the north side to the Police Station, Community Center, Senior Citizen Center, and Public Works facility on the south side. The new bridge would accommodate vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, and potential changes to bus routes.



Regional Impact:

  • Regional Impact: While focused on Farmington, the study anticipates positive effects on the entire Farmington Valley region in terms of improved movement, traffic flow, and transportation system resiliency. A new bridge could improve emergency response connections across the river.



Traffic Analysis:

  • The study will include a comprehensive traffic analyses of the transportation network around the proposed bridge, including intersection capacity analyses and evaluation of multimodal transportation facilities and demand.
Preliminary Bridge Design
Farmington Study Area

Public Meetings


Draft Final Report for Policy Board Adoption

Draft Final Report, June 2024

The draft Final Report of the Farmington Area Connectivity Study, dated June 13, 2024 , is available using the above link. This report will be considered for adoption by the CRCOG Transportation Committee, acting as the CRCOG Policy Board, on July 22, 2024.

FAC Cover Photo


If you have any comments or suggestions about the study, please contact Roger Krahn, CRCOG Principal Transportation Engineer, at or 860.724.4215