Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP)

Request for Proposals: Currently Closed

The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) regularly invites municipalities to submit proposals for Transportation Improvement Projects for funding under the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP). CRCOG reserved $42 million for the 2024 LOTCIP Solicitation from the following categories for this purpose: Reconstruction (roadway and bridge) projects, Bicycle/Pedestrian projects, Pavement Rehabilitation projects and Stand-Alone Sidewalk projects. Awards were limited to no more than $4 million per municipality.

Submissions were due for the 2024 LOTCIP Solicitation on February 21, 2024 by 2:00pm.


Connecticut Public Act 13-239 was signed into Law in June 2013, directing the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) to create a state funded Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP). LOTCIP was established to provide municipalities with a funding source and to supplant federal funds offering opportunities for improved project delivery. The program provides State funds to municipal governments through Council of Governments (COG’s) for transportation projects of regional significance, including reconstruction, pavement rehabilitation, sidewalk, bridge, intersection improvement, and multi-use trail projects. CTDOT LOTCIP program guidelines (last updated November 2021) establish the responsibilities for municipalities, planning regions, and CTDOT. Since 2014, the State has consistently allocated between $45 and $74 million annually for LOTCIP. As of July 2023, over $550 million has been budgeted for LOTCIP statewide, including over $203 million for the CRCOG region. CRCOG expects an additional $43 million allocation for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 combined.

LOTCIP projects are subject to a competitive selection process prior to being advanced. Through a collaborative, transparent process projects are numerically rated on a pre-determined criteria ranging from structural improvement and traffic volume to environmental and complete street components. A project's regional significance also factors into the criteria. 66 LOTCIP projects in the Capitol Region have been awarded or completed as of July 2023 with 38 additional projects having received commitment to fund letters.

Program Benefits
Program Information (2020)
2021 "What is LOTCIP?" Presentation by CTDOT
2017 LOTCIP Regional Overview

Click here to view the LOTCIP StoryMap in a separate tab.

LOTCIP Resources

Consultants Selected for the LOTCIP Program Assistance (on-call services)

CRCOG has selected the on-call firms listed below, with contact information, to assist municipalities with LOTCIP tasks. Although municipalities are not mandated to contract with them, these are the firms that, through a selection process, have demonstrated their technical expertise and knowledge of the LOTCIP program. Also, CRCOG has coordinated with these firms in efforts to standardize their fee schedules in accordance with State LOTCIP requirements. The Fee Schedules will be made available to CRCOG municipalities upon request (please contact Roger Krahn). It is required that these fee schedules apply to all LOTCIP on-call related work (including for estimating lump-sum fees and upset limits).

The firms were chosen through CRCOG’s competitive qualifications based selection (QBS) process and therefore are expected to satisfy the selection requirements of its member municipalities. The selected consultants are scheduled to remain on each list for 24 or 36 months beginning June 1, 2022 and ending May 31, 2024/2025.

On-Call List 1: Municipal Design Phase Assistance

The following firms have been selected for On-Call List 1 to contract with municipalities to assist with municipal designs as needed. They will remain on the list from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2025.

BL Companies, Inc. Michael Fisher, PE
Senior Project Manager
SLR Kwesi Brown, P.E., PTOE
US Manager of Transportation Engineering
VHB Bill A. Anderson
Senior Project Manager
Tighe & Bond Christopher Granatini, PE
Vice President


On-Call List 2: Municipal Construction Phase Assistance

The following firms have been selected for On-Call List 2 to contract with municipalities to assist with municipal construction assistance as needed. They are scheduled to remain on the list from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2025.

BL Companies, Inc. Michael Fisher, PE
Senior Project Manager
Nathan L. Jacobson & Associates Geoffrey L. Jacobson, P.E.
SLR Thomas Balskus, P.E.
US Manager of Construction Engineering
Tectonic Jeff Scala
Vice President/Regional Director


On Call List 3: CRCOG Program Management and Design Review Assistance

The following firms have been selected for On-Call List 3 to contract with CRCOG as needed to assist with LOTCIP Program Management and Design Review Tasks. They are scheduled to remain on the list from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2024.

BETA Najib Habesch
Principal in Charge
CHA Jeff Parker
Project Manager

For additional information or any questions regarding the LOTCIP program please feel free to contact either Sotoria Montanari or Roger Krahn.